KIDS CLUB is our weekly Wednesday evening program for children and teens ages 5-18. Each week they learn about God's love for them and the wonderful life He has planned for them through faith in Jesus as their personal Savior. The program includes snacks, games, Bible lessons, memory verses, and opportunities for the children to pray for their concerns. KIDS CLUB runs from 7:00-8:00 PM and transportation to and from the church is provided on a limited basis for those who need it. |
We also have a CHILDREN'S CHURCH service each week during the sermon time of the main worship service for children in the third grade and younger. Kids get to learn and participate in worship at a level that is most meaningful to them, including prayer, singing, and a Bible message that speaks God's Truth into their lives.
In addition to the weekly Sunday and Wednesday evening programs for our adults, we also have a WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNIION (WMU) program for our ladies. It meets at 10:00 AM on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. The women's ministry also includes an annual LADIES' RETREAT that uplifts and inspires participants with renewed faith and spiritual strength. In addition, the ladies also minister to our community and the world in various outreach programs, including Operation Christmas Child, Mission projects, our Hallelujah Festival, VBS, and annual distribution of Christmas baskets to shut-ins and nursing home residents. The ladies also have a low impact aerobics exercise class that meets on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9:00 in the Youth Room.
LUNCH ON US when once a month, we host a meal for the community at 11:30 am in our Fellowship Hall. This is always on the last Tuesday of the month and everyone is invited to enjoy a hot, home-cooked meal with members of our church. There is no cost for the meal and no obligation except to ENJOY a wonderful time with people from our church!
We have three indoor Pickleball courts and currently the gym is open for play on Thursday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30. The public is invited and we welcome all skill levels and all ages to participate.